Spring Break Collab with Simply Lay

Hi all!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful day! I’m super excited to announce that this is my first ever collaboration with Lay, one of my internet friends. (Find her blog here). She does a lot about fashion, makeup and self care, and her blog is absolutely stunning! My half of the post is going to be about mental health and healing yourself during spring break, and Lay’s is about things you could do over spring break!

Hey guys!

It’s Lay and I’m super excited to announce that this is the first collaboration on this blog with one of my internet friends. I had so much fun working on this with her. For today’s blog, I’m writing things to do in spring break. 

So without further ado, let’s get into Lay’s half of the post!

Things to do over spring break/ the Easter Holidays (Lay)

1 – Improve your mental health (this will be covered in my half of the post!)

Spring break is called a break for a reason so be sure to use your time to refresh yourself.

2 – Deep Clean and Organize 

I wrote about in an old blog so the link to it on my site is https://simplylayxx.wixsite.com/blogsite/blog/how-to-become-organized-for-the-year-jan-2019. It has a list of suggestions to help declutter.

3 – Plan Cultural activities

By cultural activities I mean look for things to do within the community such as a festival, a trip to a museum, a concert etc. Even visit a street fair if you have the option to. Just try something new out of the ordinary that will better your experience.

4 – Create a health plan

As weather gets warmer, people tend to start caring about their health more with summer coming closer and if you’re a senior maybe prom or other events are coming up. Spring break is the perfect time to start a workout plan and research new healthy recipes.

5 – Have a photoshoot

Spring has so much pastel and floral aesthetic. Since you have the time, gather some from friends and have a photoshoot to upload some new Insta-worthy pictures. You’ll thank me later.

6 – Start a personal project

This is the more creative aspect of the list. I do these all the time so some suggestions I have is: write a story or book , work on paintings, write a song, create a comic, work on poetry, designing and making a dress, making a scrapbook etc. These are fun because you get to think out of the box.

7 – Catch up on sleep

I know people who stay up until 3 am or pull all-nighters to finish work for school so take the break to catch up on sleep. School can be extremely draining so not going anywhere during the break could be a blessing in disguise.

8 – Visit the beach or a pool

If it’s really warm, it would be the perfect to go with some friends or family members to the beach or the pull. On your day out you can get some ice cream afterwards or even have a picnic with  good food.

9 – Have a sleepover

Spring break can be a perfect time to spend quality time with some friends you may not get to see often so it would be nice to catch up and possibly have a sleep over if they aren’t too busy. Having sleepover is the best way to bond.

10 – Have a marathon

You can do this with Disney movies, shows on netflix or even catching up on videos from your favorite youtubers. This is something you can do alone or with friends. So stock up on snacks and prepare to binge watch.

11 – Read some books

I know I haven’t been creating my book of the month post but there is a great reason behind why I’m putting it off until maybe next year. However, reading is something that I do believe more people should do often because it just takes you away from the reality. My personal favorite to read are poetry books (not shakespeare) or young adult fictions.

12 – Have a competition

This is something fun you can do with your friends that cost no money at all and relive your childhood. Play games like racing, hot potato, one leg race, pie eating contest and set your own prizes.

Improving your mental health over spring break/ Easter holidays

Spring break is the perfect opportunity to relax and heal yourself after a stressful term at school. In Britain, we get two weeks off every year for Easter, and for me this year it is right before my GCSEs, so in order to optimise productivity, I need to look after myself too. I’m also going to be building on Lay’s first point in her list. So here’s how you can heal yourself from the stressful start of the year in spring break!

1. Treat yourself to a spa day

Take a step back from the hustle and bustle for a day, put on your favourite YouTube videos and pamper yourself! Give yourself a cute manicure, slap a facemask on, burn some of your favourite candles and relax. Maybe bring some friends over so you can all have a girl’s day and de-stress. One of my favourite face masks to use is the L’Oréal Pure Clay Glow Mask. It contains red clay and algae and your face feels so smooth afterwards!

Don’t forget to use a clean foundation brush!

2. Clean and organize your living space

A good way to declutter your mind is to declutter your surroundings, and this is something that I preach a lot. Clean up your bedroom and maybe to a little bit of re-organizing, and you will feel refreshed and like you have your life together. I love to shake things up a little with my possessions and give things a new feel. It’s a small but cool change that you can make.

3. Cooking/ Baking

If you’re a creative soul, why don’t you chill out and do some baking? You get to be creative AND you get to have food! That, to me, sounds like heaven. Whether you bake something classic and ~mildly unhealthy~ or something new and healthy, baking is so therapeutic. Cooking is also a brilliant thing to do, because not only is it fun, you get to do something productive and potentially find a new dish that you love. I AM A FOODIE OKAY?

I ❤ gingerbread

4. Going out with friends

Now that you have time away from school, use that time to your advantage and go spend time with your friends. Whether you’re low budget and decide to have a sleepover with a couple of movies or you have some money to splash and go and have a meal or go shopping, spending time with your friends will make you feel so good. I feel so refreshed after just sitting with a friend and talking with them. Make sure it’s someone you love spending time with though, and not someone who is toxic and will make you feel worse.

That’s all I have for you today!

Lay and I really hope you enjoyed the first of many collaborations, and please feel free to like, comment and drop us both a follow if you did. I’ll be sure to leave Lay’s links at the end of the post alongside my own.

– Georgia xoxo      – xoxo Lay 💋

Click the link for Lay’s blog and her instagram (@simplylayxx) 

my instagram – @theselfhelpmanifesto

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